Sunday, January 25, 2009

Shopped 'til We Dropped

Our grand journey around India - from the north to south - is coming to an end. Tomorrow morning - no, that's not right -to call 4:00AM morning just isn't - but tomorrow we begin our journey home. A 4-hour flight from here (Vararkala at nearly the southern tip) to Delhi where we'll spend to day and evening exploring and shopping, and maybe even catching a movie (Slum Dog Millionaire is a HUGE hit here) then we'll board our flight to Amsterdam where we'll have time to catch a cup of REAL coffee with Jillian ( a young woman who was an exchange student with my family something like 20 + years ago) then it's off to America! WE have been moved by the gentle spirit of the Indian people. We've seen a LOT. We've done a LOT! And we've SHOPPED 'til we dropped. I am ,and will forever be, utterly grateful for this special time with my sister, my best friend, Pam. And, as "they" say.....'It is good to journey to an end, but in the end it is the journey that really matters.

And, "they" also say....'There's no place like home."

~ Namiste from Pam & Nancy
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Retired nurse practitioner living each moment as if it were her last one....because each one very well may be!